Low-Tox Living

low tox chemical free living health problems

How toxic is your home?

Are you aware of the chemicals that are in most homes? The toxins that lie hidden in the cleaning products we buy and the beauty routines we use daily. A...

How toxic is your home?

Are you aware of the chemicals that are in most homes? The toxins that lie hidden in the cleaning products we buy and the beauty routines we use daily. A...

Hashimotos & Me

Hashimotos & Me

I thought being diagnosed with Hasimotos was going to be the end of my health. Turns out it was the catalyst for transforming my life (for the better). I am...

Hashimotos & Me

I thought being diagnosed with Hasimotos was going to be the end of my health. Turns out it was the catalyst for transforming my life (for the better). I am...